martes, 5 de abril de 2011

Cards Game


Cards games for having so much fun! More than four people but less than twelve when playing with the Spanish deck. Even more players with addition four card more of another Spanish deck for every new player. You can add another card type too: pocker,etc.
PLAYING WHIT 1 SPANISH DECK (Between 4 and 12 players)
OBJECTIVE: To join 4 cards in one of the following possible ways:
1. Join 4 cards of the same number, for example, aces of golds, of cups, of swords and of sticks.
2. Join 4 cards making stair, for example, 4, 5, 6, 7 of stick or 9, 10, 11, 12 of swords.
If it is possible the players make a circle. Whenever to see their four cards, all players, at same time (ONE, TWO,THREE LET'S GO) that they will collect the card of the player on their left, they will throw one card to player on the right.
But any player has units the four cards. In this case he or she will call the word ALSO or BURRO, and at same time that she or he will put his or her hand in the table or a surface where they playing.
All cards will go through player to player “boca abajo” though nobody to can look
So the play continues until one or more players join their cards and sing: ALSO or BURRO. The last player that put her hand will be eliminate.
The game continues with the same process, but without four cards of the player eliminate.

Eloi Robas

sábado, 2 de abril de 2011

Visita i reunió de treball Grundtvig

Hem tingut una experiència molt interessant en les activitats que hem realitzat durant la visiat d'estudi. La participació de l'alumnat super bona. FELICITATS! MOLT BÉ!, des dels que ens van acompanyar a Sitges, als que van participar en els tallers de ball, malgrat tots els porblemes molt bé la Sardadana i el Polonez, com l'acollida o la mostra de menjars! Quin èxit! uns deien Ummmmmmmmm quan menjaven pastís de taronja o menjaven les humil patates amb tomàquet... molt bé.... crec que tots els nostres amics han quedat molt contents