T-10 card
A T-10 card is a ticket for all the public transport in Barcelona metropolitan area. It allows you to make 10 travels. It works in a zone-based system: 1 zone allows you to go everywhere in Barcelona and to the nearest towns, 2 zone is for travelling from 5 Km to 30 Km away from Barcelona. And so on until you reach the limit that are 4 zones. It's cheaper than pay every ride you make and you can transfer to another transport like go first in the metro then take a bus or a train. It can be used for more then one person in the same trip. Barcelona Airport in zone 1. It costs in 2010 7.85€, so every trip will cost .78cts ( just a ticket cost 1.40€)
Read more about it at Travel cards, TMB
Carlos Fernandez Guerra
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